Monday, January 18, 2010

Alkalize Your Body to Cure Heartburn, GERD, IBS,Colitis Etc.

Listen to Annalyn's story. She had heartburn for many years, and like many was treating it with over the counter drugs at first then switching to prescription drugs as her situation worsened.
Before you knew it, she was going for surgery to reattach her stomach to her esophagus! Even that did not stop the excruciating attacks of acid reflux and her doctor told her she was developing Barrettes Esophagus, the precursor to esophageal cancer.

Listen to her incredible recovery, then go to to get a free ebook on how alkaline antioxidant water works and how it has helped Dozens of others with acid reflux, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, heart disease etc. You will be Amazed! Click on right arrow to start recording!